2011年8月31日 星期三

0831 Parents Can Help Kids Get Over Their Fears 空中英語教室

Fear of Server Weather
Why it's common:
Because instances of severe weather are few and far between, children don't have much experience of how to react.

How to overcome it:"Make sure they know what to do if the severe weather happens," Begotka said. Do this by making a map of the house with directions of what to do and where to go.
Dealing with Scared Kids
Pediatric psychologist Andrea Begotka and clinical pyschologist Kathleen Longeway offer tips on how to handle a scared child:
The key to overcomeing a fear is gradual exposure.
This means you shouldn't pressure your child into engaging with their fear immediately, but do so little by little, and at the child's pace. this is the way to help overcome fear of clowns, spiders, dogs, etc.
*Children model their parent's behavior. When a child sees you acting calmlyin a scary situation, he or she will learn to react the same way.
*A security object can be used for multiple fears.
* A fear becomes a phobia when the fear interferes with your child's day-to-day functioning, or if it causes excessive anxiety. If you're concerned, discuss it with your child's pediatrician.

Grannar on the go
The salewomen was trying to pressure me into buying her products.
When a teenager struggles with peer pressure, it means he has friends or classmates who are pressuring him to do things he doesn't want to do.
I'm eager to see my friends.
I'm anxious to see my friends.

This kind of job offer is few and far between. You'd better grap this opportunity.
Early exposure to all kiind of music styles helped this child become a natural musician.
Intense exposure to the sun can severe sunburn.
Miranda has a phobia of mice. she get hysterical when she sees one.

