2011年8月26日 星期五

0826 空中英語教室學習筆記


NASA aims for the final frontier
Voyager 1 and 2 are now much further from the sun than Pluto. Voyager 1 speeds away at about 38,000 mph while Voyager 2 cruises along at a more relaxing 35,000 mph. They continue to receive radio signals from Earth, but the transmissions take about 16 hours to arrive traveling at the speed of light. Last December, NASA reached a new milestone when Voyager 1 entered the edge of the solar system. However, it will be another four years or so before it passes into interstellar space.

Scientists hope to collect data from it for five more years after it leaves the solar system before its power source runs out. Although it is traveling in a different direction. Voyager 2 will leave the solar system in a few years as well. Both Spacecraft have far surpassed anything scientists dared speculate regarding their original missions. When they were launched, the space age was still fairly young. NASA had no idea how long Voyager 1 and 2 would last, or how successful they would be. Yet they are continuing strong. making extraordinary discoveries beyond scientists' expectations.

Voyager 1 and 2 carry a gold plated record that contains 115 images of life on Earth; various audio clips of nature- like the ocean.birds, whales, and thunder;song from different cultures and eras; printed messages from a former U.S. Predident and UN Secrectary General, and spoken greeting in 55 different languuages. These discs give a glimpse of our life on earth. Will anybody or anything ever find them?

The frontier between these two borders is guarded by armies from both countries.
The trandmission of the show was interrupted by the emergency announcement.
Transmission of the disease can be prevented by vaccine.
Some magazines have been spectulating that the couple will get married this fall.
People are speculating on the reasons why the actor suddelny quit the role.

