2012年10月29日 星期一


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2011年8月31日 星期三

0831 Parents Can Help Kids Get Over Their Fears 空中英語教室

Fear of Server Weather
Why it's common:
Because instances of severe weather are few and far between, children don't have much experience of how to react.

How to overcome it:"Make sure they know what to do if the severe weather happens," Begotka said. Do this by making a map of the house with directions of what to do and where to go.
Dealing with Scared Kids
Pediatric psychologist Andrea Begotka and clinical pyschologist Kathleen Longeway offer tips on how to handle a scared child:
The key to overcomeing a fear is gradual exposure.
This means you shouldn't pressure your child into engaging with their fear immediately, but do so little by little, and at the child's pace. this is the way to help overcome fear of clowns, spiders, dogs, etc.
*Children model their parent's behavior. When a child sees you acting calmlyin a scary situation, he or she will learn to react the same way.
*A security object can be used for multiple fears.
* A fear becomes a phobia when the fear interferes with your child's day-to-day functioning, or if it causes excessive anxiety. If you're concerned, discuss it with your child's pediatrician.

Grannar on the go
The salewomen was trying to pressure me into buying her products.
When a teenager struggles with peer pressure, it means he has friends or classmates who are pressuring him to do things he doesn't want to do.
I'm eager to see my friends.
I'm anxious to see my friends.

This kind of job offer is few and far between. You'd better grap this opportunity.
Early exposure to all kiind of music styles helped this child become a natural musician.
Intense exposure to the sun can severe sunburn.
Miranda has a phobia of mice. she get hysterical when she sees one.

2011年8月30日 星期二

0830 Parents Can Help Kids Get Over Their Fears 空中英語教室

Fear of dogs
Why it's common: this is often because of a bad experience with a dog, but it also happens when children are unfamiliar with dogs. How to overcome it: Begotka said parents should teach their child the proper way to introduce themselves to dogs. Children can turn to the side sightly so if the dog jumps on them, they won't gt hurt. Before petting a dog, the child should hold out his or her hand and allow the dog to sniff it.
Fear of the Dark
Why it's common:" In the dark,they don't know what's in the room with them," Begotka said." Their mind are imaginative at that age, so they can imagine things that are really scary."

How to overcome it: Begotka and Longeway both recommanded a nightlight, a tactic that helped Emily Clearwater when she was afraid of the dark. Begotka and Longeway also recommand giving the child a security object, like a blanket or a teddy bear.
Fear of Needles
Why it's common:"It causes some sort of discomfort," Begotak said. "It's scary to have someone poking something into you." How to overcome it: This is another opportunity for a special security object, which can be given to the child for reassurance. Begotka also suggested distracting a child by talking about something else while the shot is administered, holding the child or telling the child to count how long it takes.

How do you overcome your fear?
to be overcome
overcome with sadness = get choked up
Karen is unfamiliar with our computer operating system. we need to give her a hand.
Howard knows all kinds of tactics to get customers to buy his products.
The coach suddenly changed his tactics and the opponents were completely lost.
Freddy is taking a big exam tomorrow, so don't distract him now.
Don is easily distracted, so he has to study in a quiet environment.

0829 Parents Can Help Kids Get Over Their Fears 空中英語教室

Emily Clearwater, 7 , says she isn't afraid of anything. her mother, Jennifer Clearwater of Port Washington, Wis., would disagree. " I know something you're scared of that you're not admitting to. Insects," Jennifer said. " You're scared of bugs!" As it turns out, Emily also is afraid of getting shots, the dark (but only "kind of" and getting lost (which is often the subject of her bad dreams). She isn't alone. All children have fears - it's a natural parts of life. Overcoming them is a rite of passage and a sign that we're growing up.

For advice on coping with common childhood fears, we spoke with pediatric psychologist Andrea Begotka and clinical psychologist Kathleen Longway of Children's Hospital of Wisconsin.
Separation Anxiety
Why it's commons: Begotka said this boils down to the attachment a child has to his or her parents. how to overcome it: Begotka's 15-month-old son, Jake, just went through a mild separation anxiety phase. She said the key is to establish trust between you and your child. " We came and left the room frequently when home to show him that we come back when we leave," she said.

Are yiu hungry ?Yes, I'm kind of hungry.
She's kind of weird.

boil down to something (歸結於)
In this tribe, hunting your first bear is considered an important rite of passage.
Getting a part time job in high school is a rite of passage in my family.
All interns are required to have hundreds of clinical training hours before they can become a formal doctor.
Clinical trial of the treatment will take serveral years.
All the problems at school can be boiled down to the child's need for attention.

0827 The World Championships in Athletics 空中英語教室

Today marks the beginning of the 13th World Championships in Athletics. Hosted by Daegu, Korea, the championships bring together top athletics for nine days of sporting excellence. Sometimes called "track and field," the sport of athletics includes a wide range of well-known events. These include the 100-meter race, the long jump and the discus throw. Athletics event usually don't require a lot of expensive equipment. They also tend to have simple rules.

One just needs to run the fastest, jump the highest or throw the farthest in order to win. Athletic is also the sport many people think of when they think of the Olympics. Many modern athletics events have their root in the ancient Olympics. In fact, until 1983, the Olympics were actually considered the world Athletic Championships. all these things make athletics popular with people all over the world. Its broad appeal also means these World Champioships should feature some terrific competition that's worth watching.

Grammar on the go
The meeting is next week,so don't forget to mark your calendar.
Lantern Festival marks the end of the Chinese Lunar New Year celebration.
Today marks the 100th Anniversary celebration of our university.

athlete's foot
The Athlete's Foot
Lucy got on the athletics team because she's a fast runner.
A good athlete needs to have strong will and self-discipline.
far --> farthest
Tony chose to sit in the chair farthest away from his teacher.
Tai-chung is the farthest south I've ever been.
Sam entered a chess competition.
The swimming competition will take place tomorrow morning.
The fierce competition between the two teams made the headlines new today.